Metered | Video

Pricing Calculator

Use the pricing calculator to calculate your daily meeting costs with Metered.


Video and Audio

Only Audio

Number of Meeting Participants:

Participants: {{meeting_participants_value}}

Meeting duration in Minutes:

Minutes: {{meeting_duration_minutes}}

Daily Meetings:

Number of Meetings in a day: {{daily_meetings_value}}

Number of Live Stream Users:

Live Stream Participants: {{live_event_participants_value}}

Storage Used:

Storage: {{storage_used_value}} GB / day

If you need more meeting participants or live stream users kindly contact us.

Calling or meetings are billed per participant per minutes

Record audio and video streams of individual participant in separate audio and video files.

Create a composed video+audio of all the participants in a meeting (upto 16) into a single video stream.

Record the composed video+audio stream.

Stream the composed via HLS livestream.

Send the meeting via RTMP to other livestreaming services like YouTube/Twitch/Facebook Live etc.