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WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

Jul 11, 2024

What is WebRTC SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit)? Selective Forwarding Unit or SFU SFU is an server based architecture that is used in webrtc to conduct multi party video calling, audio calling and data transfer. The SFU acts an intermediary between devices that recives media streams from multiple devices and then

What is WebRTC protocol?

What is WebRTC protocol?

Jul 02, 2024

WebRTC or Web Real Time Communication protocol is an open source protocol and technology that enables real time communication directly between web browsers and webRTC enabled applications Using WebRTC you can do video calling, audio calling and data transfer between devices. This capability is implemented using a set of JavaScript

SRT Protocol - Secure Real -Time Transport Protocol

Jun 28, 2024

The Secure Real Time Transport Protocol is a cutting edge technology. The SRT protocol is designed to enable the secure and efficient data transmission over the internet The SRT protocol was designed by Haivision, it is an Open source protocol made primarily for the real time video and data delivery

What is Video Compression? How does it work?

What is Video Compression? How does it work?

Jun 23, 2024

Video compression is the process of reducing the file size of a video without significantly reducing its quality. It reduces the size of the data that is required for video files. The video compression tries to reduce the file size without compromising on reduction in quality of the video Video

What is Simulcasting?

Jun 18, 2024

Simulcasting, is a short form for the simultaneous broadcasting. This is a process of broadcasting the same media content through multiple distribution channels simultaneously The concept includes streaming the same content across various digital platforms including social media websites, homepage, apps and media sites such as youtube, facebook, linkedIn, Vimeo

WebRTC in WebView in IOS

WebRTC in WebView in IOS

Jun 16, 2024

In this article we are going to learn about how to implement WebRTC in WebView for IOS, Android and Flutter Implementing WebRTC in IOS WebView Let us create a simple app with WebRTC enables and in a step by step process to better understand how you can implement webrtc in

SFU vs MCU vs P2P: WebRTC Architectures Explained

SFU vs MCU vs P2P: WebRTC Architectures Explained

Jun 14, 2024

There are different WebRTC architecture available today, these are SFU, MCU and P2P, selecting one depends on many factors these include Network Conditions Bandwidth availability * High Bandwidth If participants have good quality bandwidth then SFU and peer to peer calling will work for them * Variable Bandwidth If the participants do

What is low Latency?

What is low Latency?

Jun 08, 2024

Latency in networking is the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from its source to destination. This time is typically measured in milliseconds as the data travels at the speed of light, but variety of factors influence the time required to travel These factors include the

WebRTC Vs Websocket: Which is best for your application

WebRTC Vs Websocket: Which is best for your application

Jun 06, 2024

WebRTC and Websockets are both real time technologies, these technologies enable instantaneous exchange of data. Both the technologies are important for applications that require live interactions Common use-cases for these technologies include online gaming, live chats, live streaming and other low latency applications WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) Webrtc allows

RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol Explained

RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol Explained

May 29, 2024

In this article we are going to learn about RTSP RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is a network control protocol designed to use in communication systems. RTSP protocol provides a framework for real time streaming of audio and video RTSP provides efficient management of audio and video streams with extreamly

WebRTC Server: What Is It and Why You Need One?

WebRTC Server: What Is It and Why You Need One?

May 26, 2024

What is WebRTC? WebRTC or Web Real Time Communications, is an open source project that lets browser based applications or web applications communicate using video and audio media Many use cases are there for video and audio communication but WebRTC can be used to potentially transmit any type of data

Asterisk Stun Turn Server: How to

Asterisk Stun Turn Server: How to

May 11, 2024

In this article we are going to talk about how to use STUN and TURN servers in Asterisk An Overview of Network challenges in VoIP Communication * Bandwidth variability: VoIP requires a consistant bandwidth, variability in bandwidth due to network congestion or any other issues leads to a degradation in quality

List of WebRTC ICE Servers

List of WebRTC ICE Servers

May 06, 2024

In this article, we are going to give you a list of ICE servers that you can use in your project. We are also going to give you free as well as paid providers of ICE servers along with their benefits and drawbacks Here is what we are going to

How To Restart Your Node.js Apps Automatically with nodemon

Mar 30, 2024

In this article we are going to learn how we can automatically restart the nodejs application with nodemon. Here is what we are going to learn in this article * What is Nodemon? * Installation and basic setup * Setting an example Express Js project with Nodemon * Advanced Configuration * Containerization and NodeMon * Debugging

Async/Await in TypeScript: A step by step guide

Async/Await in TypeScript: A step by step guide

Mar 27, 2024

Async/Await is built on top promises, these offer a more readable and concise way for working with asynchronous operations Promises represents a future value that can be rejected or resolved, serving as placeholders for the result of async operations Async/Await simplifies working with promises by providing the synthetic

React Select: The complete guide

Mar 18, 2024

In this article we are going to learn about the react select library and how you can use it in your project. Here is what we are going to learn in this article * Setting up the environment and installing the React Select * Basic Implementation of React Select with code examples

TURN Server Cloud Hosting

Mar 12, 2024

If you are looking for WebRTC TURN server cloud hosting options. Here is a guide for you * What are TURN servers? * Advantages of TURN server Cloud Hosting * Metered TURN Servers: Advantages and Features * How to implement Metered TURN Cloud in your application * Using TURN server API * Testing the TURN server

NAT traversal: How does it work?

NAT traversal: How does it work?

Feb 28, 2024

* What is  NAT (Network Address Translation) and its importance in modern networking. * The challenge of NAT traversal and why it is important for apps that require p2p connections. * Section 1: Understanding NAT and Its Implications * Types of NAT: Explain Static, Dynamic, and PAT (Port Address Translation), including diagrams for clarity.

How to Undo the Most Recent Local Commits in Git?

How to Undo the Most Recent Local Commits in Git?

Feb 20, 2024

In this article this is what we are going to learn 1. Immediate Undo with git reset * How to use the git reset command? How does it work? * Step by Step code example for undoing the most recent commit, using git reset HEAD~ * Discussing the use of  --soft, --mixed and

Best NodeJs Frameworks for Backend development in 2024

Best NodeJs Frameworks for Backend development in 2024

Feb 12, 2024

In this article we are going to look at the best NodeJs frameworks for 2024  development We are going to take a look at 4 of the Most popular backend frameworks for development. These are * Express JS * Nest JS * Koa JS * Fastify We are going to take a look at

The WebSocket API and protocol explained

The WebSocket API and protocol explained

Feb 07, 2024

In this article we are going to learn about the websocket API and its protocols.  Here is what we are going to learn * Websocket overview * Websocket comparison VS HTTP and Key advantages of Websockets * Detailed understanding of how websockets actually work * Websocket handshake, data frames and control frames * Simple Code

TraceRoute Command in Linux, Windows and Mac.

TraceRoute Command in Linux, Windows and Mac.

Jan 30, 2024

TraceRoute is a network diagnostic tool, that you can use to track where a packet of data goes from its source to its destination This tool is used to understand the flow of data in the network and can used to diagnose network connectivity issues When you use traceroute, the

9 Most Secure Video calling Apps

9 Most Secure Video calling Apps

Jan 13, 2024

In this article we are going to learn about the best video calling apps available in the market today, their pros and cons . Here are some of the considerations when choosing a secure video calling app 1. Cost 2. Privacy 3. Anonymity 4. Security 5. Ease of Use 6. Compatibility

Top React UI libraries for 2024

Jan 04, 2024

1. React Bootstrap 2. Core UI 3. Prime React 4. Tailwind UI 5. Grommet 6. OnsenUI 7. MUI 8. Chakra UI 9. Ant Design 10. Semantic UI 11. Blueprint UI 12. Visx 13. Fluent UI 14. Evergreen 15. Mantine 16. Next UI In this article we are going to learn